I know you miss my rantings, so here they are Web 2.0 style baby.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baking In Binary: Poppyseed Challah

Welcome to my new semi-regular column-- Baking In Binary, because I usually do all this baking as a good way to take a break from coding. And since my coding is done about 10 feet from the kitchen, I can really get into some good stuff.
Like a challah! Here's today's, fresh out of the oven:

One nicely done Challah!

After some rising it started like this:

Then turned into this after some squishing:

The after some rolling it turned into this:

And just before the oven it looked like this:

Voila. It's tasty. And if you want the recipe, you're going to have to *gasp* contact me directly to get it. :) Although I can't guarantee any results.


Blogger Taryn said...

I know the disembodied hand is for scale, but really, it's a little creepy.

8:40 PM


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