I know you miss my rantings, so here they are Web 2.0 style baby.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

No bagels this week, sorry

I'm heading to Vancouver from the 27th to the 3rd!

Anyone want to hang out, email me...

Perhaps I'll make those bagels anyways!


Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Baking In Binary: Poppyseed Challah

Welcome to my new semi-regular column-- Baking In Binary, because I usually do all this baking as a good way to take a break from coding. And since my coding is done about 10 feet from the kitchen, I can really get into some good stuff.
Like a challah! Here's today's, fresh out of the oven:

One nicely done Challah!

After some rising it started like this:

Then turned into this after some squishing:

The after some rolling it turned into this:

And just before the oven it looked like this:

Voila. It's tasty. And if you want the recipe, you're going to have to *gasp* contact me directly to get it. :) Although I can't guarantee any results.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Odds, ends, and promises

Yeah, I really hate people who don't update their blogs too.

Ok, as you may have seen on the other blog page, I got into grad school. Woot. Dalhousie here I come.

And I'm baking a lot, so my next entry (tomorrow) will highlight whatever I decide to make. Probably involving poppy seeds. So tasy, so black, so heroin producing--- I mean, Ukranian.

I would blog about my pita breads, but I ate them. Twice. I promise to blog about batch #3.
